Thursday, May 19, 2011

over it

That's how i am feeling. I am over it. . .ready to be done with this round. And the fact that I was up on the scale (it was only .2, but still!) doesn't help. BUT,

That is just how i am feeling. It doesn't matter. . I am continuing on. I will stick this out as planned. I am in control!

Otherwise, we are doing well. REALLY glad it is sunny out and looks like the summer is finally approaching soon. We were out today, enjoying a new pack of bubbles and lots of toys (thanks, Ruth Anne)

I had a really nice visit with a friend this morning. . She has a huge backyard and the kids got to jump on the trampoline, play on a tire swing and have a great time, while we caught up. That was quite delightful.

On a totally different note, I notice I am having a REAL aversion to housework lately, not sure if it is the diet or just a stage I am going through (my guess is it's the diet...I don't have much energy) So I look forward to that being over. . but for today I am done with the dishes and laundry.(or caught up for now, I mean) So that is nice.

One of my brothers is going to bring icecream for dessert and my little sisters and brother to visit, so that will be fun for all of us. Oh and the finale of bones is on tonight, so i am looking forward to that :)

Tons of random thoughts for ya! ;)
Hope you are well.
Later :)

1 comment:

  1. I am loving all your updates...keep it up! You won't regret continuing on, for sure. The last days are the hardest though, because you can actually start thinking about eating other food again soon! I'm SO enjoying this weather too, tomorrow the littles and I are are going garage saleing again. =) Fun times! Let me know if you want me to watch for a good deal on anything.
