Saturday, May 21, 2011

You know you are a Stay at home mom when...

Going to the grocery store alone is a super fun outing :) :) That's what I did this morning and I totally enjoyed myself! ;)

Today I was down .6 more.
Today was my first day off the drops (I have 2 more left of this low calorie diet and then I introduce normal foods again carefully) It has gone surprisingly well.

Tonight I am going out clothes shopping. Here is to hoping I find some new clothes that fit :)

Have a great weekend.


  1. I hope the clothes shopping makes you even happier than grocery shopping! I always used to enjoy getting groceries too. It felt like guilt free money spending. Way to keep at the diet - it is hard core stuff!

  2. Oh I am right there with ya, I always feel like going to the grocery is like a night out or something :)! Hope you're having a great day!!
