Hi there,
How are you?
We are mostly... ;) super good.
Mia had a "little" surgery last week and it's kind of put a cramp in our style...but otherwise we are just doing the norm.! (she had a lttle growth on her leg removed, they are doing a biopsy to be sure, but think its a spitz nevis a benign form of melanoma or something like that ;)They kind of "forgot" to tell me she can't be on her legs much for 2 weeks..a "little" ? detail with a 4 yr old but anyhow! :)
We are just chillin' watching lots more tv than is probably a great idea, but anyhow.
Otherwise besides teething, macy is great...so cute, walking and talking...when she throws a fit..i try not to react and then she tells me...I'm crying ;) hilarious! as if I didn't notice? :
The other day she was spitting out her milk after taking drinks from her sippy cup and everytime she did it I told her that's bad, so then I took the cup and she looks at me with puppy dog eyes and says that was bad...and then hugs me! she's a bundle of fun and love!
Mia is coping preeeetty well with sittin around and ky and brooke are still doing good in school :)
I am getting in quite a groove of having the kiddos help with chores...it helps a lot!
Hubby still has to work a lot! but that's ok...at least we can pay the bills! :)
Plus..i am looking forward to the womans retreat at church next weekend...i get the whole weekend off!! :)
Hope you are well
I hope she is feeling well and that her leg heals quickly!! Have a great weekend!