I am not even sure what i am going to post about.. but I thought I better say hi, so no one worries about me :)
We are doing well, just keeping busy with "the life" :)
Today Me and the girls visited the library..got some more books and books on cd for the van and some dvds...with a 7 day vacation from school coming up soon here, I best be prepared :)
I am super into wearing my apron and chopping up lots of veggies for my crock pot soup (lentils, split peas, potato you name it, soups) My hubby loves it, my kids...? not so much ;)
Otherwise, not so much else is new....I am trying to think of good ideas of things to keep everyone happy during the week off, but hmm...? maybe the farm to pet animals and play, but it is pretty chilly out and Macy has a pretty bad cold already,(but then again, she is on antibiotics for her ears....again, so by then maybe she can handle it;)
Anyhow, I have nothing exciting to talk about, but we are doing pretty good. DH stayed home yesterday, cuz his back was so bad, so that was sad for him, but nice for us to see him...I feel I am fighting something too...I feel kind of achy..SP? So, I am taking vit. c and staying warm and hoping to sleep more now that macy has meds for her ear infection.
K, I am so totally rambling, but hope you are well.