Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm still here....


I'm still here..i promise :)'s been a good but kaRAZY summer....
so much has changed...for the's just been busy...
Not sure where to start...and if i don't go soon...i wont get my daily shower ...but...

Just wanted to give a quick update..
Hubby got a new, better and less intense's so fun to see him more!
The kiddos can't wait for school, but we've had loads of fun....
We've been...swimming a TON,...we've been to church camp a total of 3 weeks this summer, we went to eagle crest resort for 5 days...with daddy! :)
We went to the coast a couple times ...and we are going again this weekend.

we had a german niece here for over 2 months...that was busier than normal but fun...

So in back soon...i hope...The older 2 start school next wed and mia the next tuesday...
Hope you are well
and happy almost fall!!